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VistaNET—Network Management System


VistaNET is a complete suite of software tools to manage the GE Lentronics family of telecommunications products, consisting of JungleMUX SONET and T1 Multiplexers, TN1U and TN1Ue SDH Multiplexers.


Key Benefits

>Remote configuration, monitoring and testing of all common equipment and telecommunication service interface units at any node in the system, minimizes disruption and maintenance costs 

>Simultaneous configuration and monitoring by more than one user, distributes network administration and maintenance responsibilities 

>Time stamped logging of alarms and intelligent processing of alarm lists, assists in identifying hard-to-find problems, facilitates alarm acknowledgement and provides immediate update on current system status 

>Recording of network configuration changes provides an audit trail for future reference 

>Single integrated system view for interconnected and discrete network segments sim 

>Security is enhanced through a multi-level password and privilege system with automatic expiration interval, controlled by a system administrator 

>Optical status information and BER statistics provide preliminary indications of system level problems, such as fiber cable and equipment component degradation


Contact us

Xi'an Headquarter

  • Add:No.101.Fengcheng 6 road,
  •            Economic and Technological
  •            Development Zone,xi'an
  •            Shaanxi province,china,710018
  • Tel:029-88347500
  • Fox:029-88347599

Shang'hai Office

  • Add:No.3468, Yuanjiang Road,
  •            Minhang District, Shanghai
  • Tel:029-88347568
版权所有:西电通用电气自动化有限公司 陕ICP备18014337号